Amazing donation of jumpers all from one special lady in Stratford upon Avon
EARTH IS THE HOME WE SHARE - KNITTING GROUPSAll your knitting will be sent by container to a refugee camp in Syria. Knitting groups enable you to help others, meet new people & have fun sharing a favorite craft.
A Compassion Direct knitting group makes your experience worthwhile as you get that feeling that comes from helping others, knowing that you are doing something useful. Even if you don’t know the person who is receiving your home made garment, knowing that it is out there in the world is a great feeling.
Joining a knitting group is sociable activity & if you are new to knitting it is a great way to pick up new ideas, share patterns, recycle unwant wool & have someone to help you through any difficult projects or explain a new technique. For knitters of all skill levels, joining a group is a wonderful way to make time for your hobby.
Compassion Direct have sent hand knitting to Ukraine, Palestine, France & Greece.
Follow us on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/thisearthisourhomeIf you like what we do & want to support our work, you can make a quick donation on your phone, just text CDUK to 70970 to donate £5, or if you can afford to give a little more, go to our donate page. We can do nothing without your financial support. ThankyouTake or post your knitting to Chris who lives in Kineton, near Warwick she collects & packs our shipments.
Faith Cottage
5 Bridge Street
Phone: 07981 667534
Below are a few tips on getting a knitting group started in your area:-FINDING MEMBERS- Send an email or phone friends telling them you want to start a new group & suggesting a time and place to meet up. Tell them a bit about the work of CDUK and where some of their knitting can be sent if they wish.
- Not all your knitting has to go to Compassion Direct projects, family and friends are important too.
- Ask them to ask their friends
- Post a notice at your local knitting store, the library, church, or community notice board.
- Write to the community page of your local newspaper
- Post on your social network site – Face book, My Space or Tweet about it on Twitter
Kitted out for winter in Ukraine wearing hats & scarf from Warwickshire
- Pick a date, time and location for a getting to know you meeting
- Get everyone to introduce themselves & talk a bit about their knitting experience & maybe explain what they would like to get out of the group
- Maybe have an informal discussion about how you would all like the group to develop
- How often do you want to meet
- Where do you want to meet
- Do you want to rotate at different persons homes
- Do you want to develop a more formal meeting with talks and demonstrations
- Have a look on line for free knitting patterns, tips & ideas there is lots out there
- Ask friends for spare wool, many of us have the odd ball tucked away that we might never need.
WHAT CAN CDUK DO TO HELP- Get updates on our Face book page at www.facebook.com/thisearthisourhome please follow us to be kept up to date
- We can provide leaflets on our work in Europe, South America & Africa.
- Our Chairman - Ros, can give a zoom talk to your group about our work or you can find out more from our website. www.compassiondirectuk.org
- Compassion Direct can provide a charity tin so that you can collect small donations from your members at each meeting. Although we are all volunteers at CDUK we still have to find money for printing, insurance, transportation etc. & for our projects.
- We can advise you on fundraising events.
Many thanks for caring enough to participate. Ros Grant – Chairman of Trustees. T: 07773470384